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Mini Bio

I am a passionate, curios, open-minded and eager to learn new things.
I am currently working for Reply Spa as a Mobile, Web, Game and XR Developer.
My mother-tongue is Italian, but I can speak also in English.
I love technology, physics, maths, chemistry, biology and history.


09/2018 - 03/2022 - University of Rome "La Sapienza", faculty of "Ingegneria Informatica, Informatica e Statistica", department of "Informatica".
I have a bachelor's degree in Computer Science. I graduated with a final score of 110/110 cum laude with a final thesis on complex adaptive systems.

Work Experience

From To Position Company Description
04-2022 current Software Developer Ringmaster s.r.l (sub-company of Reply s.p.A.) I have been working in this company for 18 months, and I've already done and learn many things. I worked on many Android projects, and used a huge variety of frameworks. I learned how to use the Cordova framework for embedding a web app into an Android app. I used the Android Studio IDE, and I learned how to use the Android SDK. I used the Firebase platform for the backend management. For another Android project I learned how to use the CameraX library for the camera management, and the MLKit library for recognizing objects in the real world through machine learning. In the last Android project I learned how to use the ARCore library for enhancing our app with the newest Google augmented reality features. On february 2023 I switched project and since then I am working as a fronted developer, using the Vue framework, for two Italian gaming platforms were we host mini games where people can play to earn money. Meanwhile, I am working on a very important side project inside the company, which is the development of our metaverse, where many 3D and VR video-games are connected together thanks to a strong backend framework. We are building this huge project with Unreal Engine 5 and in C++. I am the tech leader of the development of the client side of our application, so I closely follow and guide all my colleagues through the 3D developments of our games but I specialize on developing the VR features of our games. I really enjoy working as a game developer and I love virtual reality. Lots of fun and learning have been done here, and I am very proud of my work. Behold, as new things are coming!
06-2019 09-2019 CS Intern I.T.Consulting-EducaSoftware s.r.l I worked as an intern, and I mainly studied the technologies used by the company and its workflows. Also, I managed to create a visual documentation of the main crm software the company has created

Main Skills

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Unreal Engine 5 and C++

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AR with ARCore and VR with OpenXR, OculusVR and WindowsMR

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Java and Android

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HTML5 and CSS3

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Javascript and Vue


Tabletop Gaming
Video Gaming, especially Sim Racing, Open World RPGs and Strategy Games
But most importantly: learning how to save the world and help people do that with me


Feel free to Contact me, or write to me at: pdondiw at gmail dot com.